Sunday 11 September 2011

Biiiiig update

So....the internet in India is pretty crap. Getting to a PC is not that easy, and when you finally do its so frustratingly slow that after booking our next hostel we are ready to give up. Ant has promised to do some blog entries, but for the moment you are stuck with me.

So we had a pretty alright time in Delhi. We ended up getting a tour from a rickshaw driver called "stranger", so we avoided a lot of the hustle and bustle and saw some nice sights. We even bought him a mcdonalds.

We still left Delhi pretty gladly, and headed out to Agra.

Our hostel there was amazing. It had the best view of the Taj Mahal from the rooftop that we could have hoped for. I will hopefully be able to upload a photo at some point. There isn't too much else to do but see the Taj Mahal (which is pretty special to be fair) and Agra fort. We were only there for a day before moving on.

We then went to Jaipur (the pink city) which we instantly loved more than Agra and a lot more than Delhi. I actually can't remember many stories from there, it seems ages ago and I am pretty tired. Maybe I need to look through my journal which is back at the hostel. We went on a bit of an amble around the old city (after finding our first KFC! YES! Served by mostly deaf people as well). We went with 2 scottish girls, Helen and Kim and it was a lot of fun just walking around soaking it all in. They played music from most lamp-posts and I am a big fan of a city with its own soundtrack. The Observatory was awesome, Danny and Dad you would have loved it, very mathamatical. It looked cool as well though, it had the staircase that "The Fall" used for filming.

After Jaipur we went Jodhpur, which we probably loved more than Jaipur. It is the blue city, and again we had a great view from the rooftop of our hostel of a maze of blue houses and the fort. Our hostel owner was a bit eccentric and would NOT shut up once he started talking. It is the hostel that Owen Wilson and Adrian Brody stayed in whilst filming the Darjeeling Limited. We stayed in the bed which Adrian Brody stayed in, and also had a play with the walking stick Owen Wilson has in the film (which he gave to the hostel owner).

The hostel got a little creepy when a Ukranian girl said she was posessed by a ghost/demon so the hostel organised an exorcism which we got to take part in. Quite an experience, but a bit creepy sleeping nearby a crazy lady. Luckily we were leaving the next day!

Today we arrived in Jaisalmer after a horrible bus ride which seemed to have been overbooked by about...1000 people.

Jaisalmer is a little desert city apparently (though it is 100,000 people). It is a lot more relaxed than most cities. Tomorrow we are going on a camel safari where you spend all day on a camel then sleep in the desert under the stars. Then it is onto Ahmedabad where hopefully we can stay with a family.

There it is, the whirlwind tour of our last week from what I remember. India is a lovely place once you get used to it. The people who aren't trying to sell you something are inquisitive but very friendly (one guy said he had the best night of his life playing chess and cards with us in Jodhpur). The cities are mental, a million mile an hour places, but we are getting used to that.

See you in a week, when we find an internet connection faster than my 7 year old phone.

From Jaipur we went to Jodhpur.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds wicked man! Glad to see you're having an 'easy now' time. Pass my regards on to ....WHAT? Rewind! Exorcism??!!?
